Need advice or a solution to a problem in your wedding organization?

mar. 16 mai 2023, 12:03

Be Loved presents its new concept: Wed’Coaching! Right in the midst of your wedding organization, you realize that it is not always easy to face all this newness: which caterer to choose? When should I start looking for my wedding dress? What to do in case of last-minute guest cancellations? Is my decoration right on trend? What backup plan to consider if the weather becomes unpredictable?

So many questions that sometimes remain unanswered until the D-Day and can become real sources of stress for some of you.

The lockdown we experienced this year was a real upheaval for everyone but also for our projects. It stirred our deep desires, challenged our professional situations, awakened ideas and creativity, but above all, it put us back at the center of ourselves and pushed us to question ourselves: "What do I want to do? What are my real motivations?"

As a wedding planner for over 9 years in Hauts-de-France, it was during this unsettling period that I also wanted to create an offering for those who need occasional support in their wedding organization: Wed’coaching.


Wedding coaching is a very popular type of coaching in the United States. There are even "wedding coaches" who specialize in these services highly sought after by future brides and grooms.

The Wed’coaching offering is a one-time service that comes in the form of coaching via video or directly at our premises. I propose to accompany and advise you as best as possible on all the questions you may encounter during your wedding organization. The sessions are 1.5 to 2 hours at most and can be scheduled on demand.

You will thus be able to:

- Ask me all the questions that are on your mind and for which you have not found answers despite all your research on the web and all the advice from your mother-in-law.

- Avoid going in the wrong direction and ending up with problems to manage on the day when you won’t have the time to handle them 😉

- Be reassured about your choices

- Be confident about the smooth running of your planning

- Benefit from my experience as a trained, sworn-in, and experienced wedding planner for over a decade... and all this at a very affordable price!


The "Wed’coaching by Be Loved" will provide you with the answers you need if:

- You are at the beginning, middle, or end of your wedding organization and want advice from a professional in the field without exceeding your budget.

- You are keen to organize your wedding, it's a great challenge, but you need to be reassured on some stumbling blocks in order to continue planning your beautiful day serenely.

- You are leading your organization masterfully but you need my guidance to orient yourself and help validate your ideas regarding decoration, attire, or entertainment.

You will understand: I am committed to making this service accessible to everyone, but above all, to be able to benefit from my experience. Whether you want full organization or just need a professional opinion to get back on the right track. You can even come with your partner and/or witnesses if you feel like it!


Wed’Coaching sessions are scheduled on demand and can be booked several times during your organization. A session lasts a maximum of 2 hours. It takes place as follows: · First, I invite you to send me a message via the contact form to explain the issues you are facing and what you expect from the coaching session.

· I will then contact you to discuss in more detail the topics you want to address. The duration, date, and time will be determined at that time according to your availability and mine.

· Prepare all the elements of your wedding organization file and send them to me so that I can prepare our session as best as possible and respond as relevantly as possible to all your questions.

· The time of your appointment has arrived: take advantage of this time with me to ask me about all the subjects that are close to your heart! Don't hesitate to prepare a small list of questions so as not to forget any! 😊