The ritual is an integral part of the highlights during a secular ceremony. Discover 3 rituals that I like to offer to my couples for their secular ceremony.

mar. 16 mai 2023, 12:23

If you have chosen to organize a secular ceremony, it is very likely that you want to include a ritual to symbolize the strong and intense moment you are living and to share your commitment with the assembly present on that day. Focus on 3 rituals that I like to propose to my brides and grooms for their secular ceremony.


Behind this mysterious name lies a ritual that my brides and grooms love! Before the wedding, the future spouses will ask all their guests to prepare a small gift (message, symbolic object, photo, etc.) that, according to them, represents their couple. During the secular ceremony, the guests will be invited to place their gifts in a trunk that will only be opened by the spouses in a year. A superb ritual that will evoke emotion and surprise, even 365 days after your union!


If there is one ritual that gives me chills and brings tears to my eyes every time, it's this one! Also called "handfasting", it comes from an ancient Anglo-Saxon tradition. The principle? Close family and friends come to bind the hands of the two spouses with ribbons of different colors to symbolize their union during their secular ceremony. Each ribbon color has its own meaning, giving each ceremony its uniqueness. Pro tip: ask one of your loved ones to preside over this ritual to give it even more significance!


This ritual is dedicated to all the wine lovers! Get yourself a (very) good bottle of wine, a beautiful wooden box, and a letter containing your vows to your other half. The officiant will ask you to place your two letters and the bottle in the box, which will then be sealed with a lock, for example. Feeling a little down in your relationship? Going through some rough patches? It will be the perfect opportunity to open your box and rediscover your vows as newlyweds around a good bottle of wine. Don't they say that, like wine, love gets better with time?