In the midst of organizing your wedding, you have undoubtedly realized that its organization is far from being a smooth journey. Discover what Jour J coordination entails and its advantages!

mar. 16 mai 2023, 09:14

In the midst of organizing your wedding, you may have realized that its organization is far from smooth sailing. Once the service providers have been found and selected by you, the smooth running of the big day will rest on your shoulders or those of a close friend or family member. Even if you have anticipated everything down to the smallest detail, you are not immune to a hitch. What if you delegated this pressure to me so that you can experience your wedding to the fullest? Discover what the Day-Of Coordination consists of and its advantages!

Day-Of Coordination: What does it consist of?  

Requested by many future spouses, Day-Of Coordination is different from a total or partial wedding organization. The coordination of your big day consists of coordinating the actions of all the service providers, ensuring the smooth running of the day's schedule both for the vendors and the guests. It includes:

  • 2 to 3 meetings before the wedding to review the progress of your organization with you

  • Establishment of a schedule which will be sent 15 days before the wedding and followed by all the vendors, coordination of the entertainment (especially if it includes contributions from family, witnesses, friends...) 

  • Setting up and installing the decorations the day before at the reception venue 

  • Monitoring the payments due and to be settled the day before or on your wedding day 

  • My presence throughout your event (civil ceremony, secular ceremony, cocktail hour, and reception) to ensure smooth running and to handle any potential issues that may arise 

Note: if you want to hire my servicesfor coordinating your wedding, contacting me 6 months or even a year before your wedding date is idealso that I can be aware of your wishes and hence, follow your organization from the start.    

Day-Of Coordination: for whom?  

Day-Of Coordination adapts to all types of weddings. This service may suit you if:

  • You have started to find your vendors and organize your wedding but time is severely lacking for you 

  • You have chosen all your vendors but you cannot see how to organize and coordinate their actions for your wedding day 

  • You want to get married stress-free, without having to deal with problems or stress about the caterer not making enough appetizers... 

  • You are looking for someone to delegate the management of your wedding so that you can enjoy this wonderful day surrounded by your loved ones without any worries

Do you find yourself in one of these situations? I am the wedding planner you need! Don't hesitate and get in touch with me as soon as possibleso that we can discuss the most beautiful day of your life.