How to create a different, unique marriage that combines modernity and tradition while respecting your wishes? I reveal the current wedding trends for this year 2020!

mar. 16 mai 2023, 08:47

If some traditions persist in the wedding industry, the trends, evolve and allow future spouses to create, even more, a wedding in their image. Because yes, the crux of the matter is this: to create a different, unique wedding that combines modernity and tradition while respecting your desires. Complex, isn't it? With more than 180 weddings to my credit in Lille and its region, I reveal the current trends of weddings for this year 2020!

2020: The year of minimalist wedding decor

Want to create chic decor and add a touch of luxury? White and gold colors are at the heart of all wedding decoration trends this year. So opt for basic whites (tablecloths, chair covers, high tables, etc) and enhance your wedding decor with golden accessories such as candlesticks, table runners, or even chairs for your secular ceremony for example.

The trend of dried flowers galore

Long relegated to the closet, dried flowers are making a big comeback… much to my delight! While fresh flowers remain the major choice for future spouses, dried flowers are increasingly popular. The choice is vast and the options to use them in an original way abound: as centerpieces, as wall decor, or, for country themes, as headbands or the bride's bouquet. So, whether you want to give a rustic touch to your tables or go all out with the Little House on the Prairie theme... Go for it!

Goodbye excessive makeup!

All my future brides tell me they "want to be the most beautiful on the big day". As a wedding planner in Lille and its surroundings, my main advice is: create a makeup that reflects you, according to your theme, your desires, your extravagances! But what does the trend say for this year? NATURAL! A well-worked and radiant complexion, iridescent eye colors, a lipstick like old rose... and you're good to go. All you have to do is adorn yourself with your most beautiful smile to join the chosen one of your heart!

Intimate weddings warm the hearts

While some people dream of a Hollywood wedding, it is clear that the trend is no longer about opulence. A trend is emerging for its ease of organization and the desire to unite surrounded only by their (very) close ones: the intimate wedding. Characterized by a small number of guests, it is increasingly attracting future spouses. Some of them even choose elopement to live their big day abroad surrounded by their loved ones. Doesn't that make you dream?

Uniting in an eco-responsible way in 2020

Ah, ecology... a fundamental subject at the heart of the trends of 2020! Whether it's the decor or even your attire, favor second-hand items! Recycled paper invitations, a second-hand wedding dress, or a menu filled with seasonal and local fruits and vegetables are very easy ideas to implement on the big day, and the planet will thank you.